From the December Us:


Beautifully wrapped presents, a roaring fire, Grandma trapped under the Christmas tree... Celebrities tell what the holiday season means to them - for better or for worse.

ROB ESTES, 'Melrose Place' "My most memorable Christmas was the first year we came out to California. I was from Michigan, and up until then I was a tree-climbing kid and Christmas was snow and cold and being outside. We hit Christmas about our second week in L.A., and I was climbing a palm tree and I slid down, not realizing that thorns stick up; and I ripped my inner thigh and my arms, and that Christmas was spent healing. What I wanted most from Santa Claus was morphine. Not my favorite Christmas but definitely my most memorable."

He didn't notice that the thorns stuck up as he was climbing? Can you say, "DUH?"

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