From the January 19th Soap Opera Digest:

On The

No, this isn't an in-depth analysis of daytime's decorating habits. The couches we're talking about here are the kind found in a mental-health professional's office. We've selected 11 of soaps' most-conflicted couples for a little psych session of our own. Even better? Renowned psychotherapist/TV talk show personality Dr. Gilda Carle, author of Don't Bet On The Prince! How To Have The Man You Want By Betting On Yourself, is putting in her two cents, too. Just lie back and relax - this won't hurt a bit...


Troubled Twosome: Kyle McBride and Amanda Woodward-McBride
Current Crisis: Amanda and Kyle are trying to start a family, but Kyle's neglected to tell his bride that he was rendered infertile during his stint in Desert Storm. Kyle's doctor, Peter, knows his patient's secret, but the hopeful mom has thus far been kept in the dark. Harboring this horrible secret has also begun to take a toll on Kyle, who's turned to drugs to escape the reality in his life.
Hiss-torical Precedents: Just a few weeks ago, Kyle reprimanded Amanda and Eve for keeping their murderous secret from him and Peter. There's no place for secrets in a marriage, lectured Kyle. Hypocrite!
Good-Or-Nothing: For all the secrets and lies, Kyle is still, hands-down, the most stable of Amanda's lovers. At least he never tried to kill her. And compared to Kyle's ex-wife, Taylor, Amanda's a real peach. There's true love between these two that's definitely worth fighting for.
Can This Marriage Be Saved? Remember those Amityville Horror movies? Any family who entered that hexed house was cursed from the get-go - as is any married couple who tries to make it in the MP apartment complex. Amanda and Kyle, you have been warned. Move out or suffer the consequences!

Dr. Gilda Says
     "Oh, I just want to heal these people [laughs]! Withholding information from a loved one is a form of abuse. Amanda's operating in the dark, as far as this relationship is concerned. Kyle had better come clean and be honest with her... or move to New York where the sperm count is among the highest in the country [laughs]. It's not the end of the world, but if she feels he has been withholding this information purposefully - which he did - she will wonder what else is a lie. He has purposely omitted this information because he wanted to be high on her hit parade list. But all he's going to do is wind up on her hit list."

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